Favorite Shakeology Recipes

Monday, January 26, 2015

I have a HUGE sweet tooth!!  I mean really!!  Loved to have something chocolate everyday.  Since starting on Shakeology I have been able to really curb those cravings and put my health on the right track :)

Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup

This is my all time favorite recipe for shakeology!  Growing up all I ever wanted was peanut butter. Then when I was old enough and found peanut butter cups... look out!!!  Two of my favorite things together!?

If you love chocolate and peanut butter try this out and let me know what you think!

Thin Mint / Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream

Yes another chocolate mixture! lol  I could honestly eat a box of these to myself within a day!!  Plus having a big love for mint chocolate chip ice cream this was totally the way to go!  Love how refreshing this recipe is :)

Are you like me and have a love of mint chip ice cream?  Try substituting with this :)