Fears, Failure, Success, Inspiration

Thursday, August 18, 2016

With the new Harry Potter book just being released I wanted to share a little about this amazing lady!

Have you ever looked up her story? Did you see where she came from? How many times she was actually rejected with her first Harry Potter book?

J.K. Rowling is one of MANY stories that you may have thought became an overnight success. The truth is though she struggled and she was rejected by many publishers.

To keep an amazing long story short, she was a single mom, jobless, living living off unemployment. By her own definition she had failed on an epic scale.

Realising that even through all of her fears of failure she was still alive, she was able to direct everything into her writing. She was REJECTED by 12 publishers. Obviously she didn't stop and one publisher, in fact the publishers 8 year old daughter read the manuscript and loved it and because of that, the publisher agreed to publish the first of the Harry Potter books.

And you all know now how far she has gone :)

Yes we all have fears. We are all scared to try and fail at something. We have all failed at times. Do you just give up? OR do you keep trying? Yes you could potentially fail again but that doesn't mean you need to stop believing you will succeed. The only failure I believe is quitting. So no matter what you are passionate about, be it writing, riding, photography, graphic design, baseball, fitness, acting, etc. Whatever it may be, learn something from each failure and try again. Don't wonder "what if". You don't want to end up wondering "what if".

Do not give up on yourself! I believe in YOU xox