A Little More About My Story

Thursday, December 10, 2015

This is hard for me to write about. I don't normally like to dig back into my past but I was really thinking about this today and needed to get it out.

So, these pictures on the left are from 2010, a trip we took out east to go visit family! I was looking back at the album today and noticed something that really made me quite sad and still does as I write this now. Look at my face. Look at the sadness there. I look at these and MANY of the photos from this trip and do not see happiness. I see someone trying to hide, someone who lost their confidence, someone I really didn't realize I had become until years later. You would truly think being on such an amazing vacation and visiting my amazing family there would be a REAL smile on my face. I do not see that here and that breaks my heart because I never noticed it before. It was years later I finally admitted to myself who I had become... A shell.. a shell of who I once was, going day by day, doing the same thing over and over and over, just hoping for a different result.

On our team call I was able to reflect back on this past year and decided to scroll through some of my photos and memories. I see such a different person. This person I have become has been a long time coming. I have done things I had never dreamed of; pushed myself so far outside of my comfort zone; been places I never ever thought I would go but always wanted to. This year has been a true blessing. Thankful is a huge understatement of what I am feeling right now, overwhelmed, relieved, satisfied are a few of the feelings I have.

Those after pictures, that smile, the confidence radiating out of them just makes my heart Explode with JOY!! I am home! I am no longer a shell. I AM ME!!! I took the time to work on me and I AM BACK

Thank you!!!

Dream, Believe, Achieve ~